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The Karnataka State Pharmacy Council is a statutory body

The Karnataka State Pharmacy Council is a statutory body constituted under an Act of Indian parliament

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The Karnataka State Pharmacy Council is a statutory body

The Karnataka State Pharmacy Council is a statutory body constituted under an Act of Indian parliament

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The Karnataka State Pharmacy Council is a statutory body

The Karnataka State Pharmacy Council is a statutory body constituted under an Act of Indian parliament

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The Karnataka State Pharmacy Council is a statutory body

The Karnataka State Pharmacy Council is a statutory body constituted under an Act of Indian parliament

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The Karnataka State Pharmacy Council is a statutory body

The Karnataka State Pharmacy Council is a statutory body constituted under an Act of Indian parliament.


Ayushman Bharat Health cardRenewal through Mobile AppExit Examination for D.Pharm by PCIUpskilling and Certification Program for Reg.Pharmacists under Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY 4.0) PCI Circular - Compliance of conditions prescribed u/s 32 (2) of the Pharmacy Act 1948 Research GrantRGUHS Gold Medal Award 2022KPCRPWT Welfare Trust benefit increased for the Regd. PharmacistRefund Application FormStudy CertificateKPCRPWT Death Claim application formAffidavit for Exemption of Yearly Renewal for Registered Pharmacist those who are above 70 years Profile Updation

Karnataka State Pharmacy Council

The Karnataka State Pharmacy Council is a statutory body constituted under an Act of Indian parliament called Pharmacy Act 1948 (Act No 8 of 1948), - Rules & Regulation.

The main objective of Karnataka State Pharmacy Council is to regulate the professional practice to ensure only qualified registered Pharmacist would enter the profession to provide service to the patient.


Registered Pharmacist who has lent their Registration certificate without the physical presence will be liable for action.